Age-Friendly Niagara
Older Adult Infolink

Are you looking for more information about services for older adults in the community? Explore what Niagara has to offer!

The Age-Friendly Niagara Council is a group of local citizens, volunteers, community partners and municipal leaders who have joined together to learn about, take action on and champion age-friendly community principles, with a vision of Niagara as a ‘community for all ages’. To learn more about the Age-Friendly Niagara Council visit About Us.


Empowering Older Adults in Niagara Survey – Local Data Subset Reports

The Age-Friendly Niagara Council presents twelve Local Data Subset reports from the 2022 Empowering Older Adults in Niagara survey. More than 1200 older adults 50+ in all parts of Niagara completed the survey, between June 01 and July 15, 2022.

The information in the data subset reports may be used as a beginning step in identifying topics for which additional information could be gathered, to inform Age-Friendly community action in each of the twelve local areas of Niagara.

Click on a municipality name to access the local data subset report for that area:

Impact of the Niagara Aging Strategy and Action Plan, – and the Way Forward to ‘A Community for All Ages’

This November, 2023 report describes the reach and impact of the Age-Friendly Communities movement in the Niagara region of Ontario. It summarizes and compares data from more than 1,200 responses to the 2022 Empowering Older Adults in Niagara survey of older adults 50+ in the region, with priorities in the 2015 Niagara Aging Strategy and Action Plan.

Empowering Older Adults in Niagara Survey Results

This webinar recording and related report summarize results of a 2022 region-wide survey of older adults. More than 1200 older adults 50+ from all parts of Niagara shared insights into ways to strengthen Niagara as an age-friendly community for healthy aging. These resources provide valuable information for decision-makers, front-line staff, service providers, business leaders, planners, municipalities and others.

Community Study Report: Civic Engagement to Build Sustainable Local Capacity: Perspectives of Age-Friendly Community Volunteers in the Niagara Region

This report discusses a study conducted in 2021 that looked at older adult volunteerism in the Age-Friendly Niagara movement. The report highlights the achievements of older adult volunteers in establishing the Age-Friendly movement and the importance of collaboration and support from local municipal governments.

Age-Friendly Niagara Candidate Brief – 2022 Municipal Election

This 2-page brief is designed to inform all candidates running in the 2022 municipal elections in all areas of Niagara about the importance of ensuring our community is responsive to the needs of everyone as we age.

Addressing COVID-19 Impacts on Niagara’s Older Adults

This two-page AFNN Bulletin provides a call to action: to address challenges in our community by continually sharing and implementing leading practices and innovative ideas. It focuses on actions to reduce COVID-19 impacts on older adults, to support them in staying well, safe and connected.

Niagara Aging Strategy and Action Plan Implementation Project (2017-2019) Summary

This two-page document summarizes both progress toward, and future opportunities for, implementing the Niagara Aging Strategy and Action Plan. The full evaluation report can be accessed here.

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