Health & Wellness (Display All)
- Abuse/Violence Related Support
- Addictions Support
- Bereavement Support
- Condition Specific Care and Health/Disability Support Groups
- Dementia/Alzheimer Supports and Services
- Falls Prevention Programs/Education
- Hospitals and Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology
- Home Health Care, Palliative Care, Respite Care and Homemaker Assistance
- Mental Health Services and Adult Protective Services
- Physiotherapy Programs and Rehabilitation
- Physician Referrals and Medical Information Services
- Podiatry/Foot Care
- Walk-In Medical Clinics
- Warmlines and Crisis Lines
- Wellness Programs
Local Community Leisure Guides in Niagara
Community Safety
Abuse/Violence Related Support
Bethlehem Housing and Support Services - Violence Against Women Services
58 Welland Ave St Catharines, ONL2R 2M5
Assists women who have experienced abuse during the course of their lives. Abuse may have occurred during a past relationship or it may be an ongoing concern in a current relationship.
Community Support Workers meet with participants and offer supports including safety planning, referrals to emergency shelters, advocacy, and accompaniment.
Operates from a feminist perspective which includes empowerment, re-affirmation, support, and advocacy, while maintaining a non-judgmental approach.
Support services include:
- Short-term, supportive counselling for women in the community
- Development of safety strategies or plans for women and their children
- Provision of information on rights, options, and available services
- Referrals or linking women to appropriate services
- Cultural interpretation
- Advocacy with other agencies (i.e. legal, financial, etc.)
intake@bethlehemhousing.caOffice: 905-641-1660 ext 228
Fax: 905-684-1666
Mon-Thu 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Fri 8:30 am-12 noon
Birchway Niagara
8903 McLeod Rd Niagara Falls, ONL2H 3S6
Provides shelter and services for women and children experiencing abuse. Services include:
- 24-hour support line (call or text - 905-356-5800)
- Counselling and emotional support for women and children/youth who are being or who have been abused
- Safety planning
- Transitional and housing support
- Public education program
- Referrals
Family Court Support Worker Program -- Facilitates a victim's understanding of and passage through the family court system. Support provided includes:
- information on the family court process
- assistance in preparing for family court proceedings (documenting history of abuse, accessing Legal Aid)
- debriefing with clients following family court appearances
- referral to specialized services and supports in the community
- safety planning
- court accompaniment to proceedings when appropriate
Services are available on an in-shelter or office visit basis.
Office: 905-356-3933
Crisis: 905-356-5800
Administration Mon-Thu 9 am-5 pm, Fri 9 am-1 pm
Support Line/ShelterServices Mon-Sun 24 hours
Centre de santé communautaire Hamilton / Niagara, Centre de santé communautaire Niagara - Counselling and Community Initiatives
810 East Main St Welland, ONL3B 3Y4
Children's Mental Health Program:
A wide variety of services are available to assist children, youth and families coping with mild to moderate mental health issues. Individualized assessment, counselling, case management and follow-up services are available to French-speaking children who have been exposed both directly and indirectly to some form of trauma such as violence, abuse, intimidation, war or torture.
The Service Coordination Program provides assistance to children and youth who require specialized mental health services that are currently not available in French. Services in this program may include: accompaniments and interpretation services, assisting English-speaking mental health professionals in the development of case plans for French-speaking clients, carrying out client assessments, counselling/treatment and case management services as agreed upon and in collaboration with the English-speaking service provider.
Adult Counselling Services:
Counselling services for those facing issues such as depression, bereavement, relationship difficulties with children etc.
Provides counselling and transitional support services for individuals identifying as women and for women who have been or are currently victims of abuse and/or sexual abuse. Also offering services for men who have been victims of abuse and/or sexual abuse during their childhood. Practical assistance such as accompaniments to lawyers' appointments, referrals to shelters or other housing options and safety planning are available. Off site services may be available to abusive partners through the Partner Abuse Response (PAR) program.
The CSC also partners with a 24 hour French Language Crisis line for victims of woman abuse "Femaide" 1-877-336-2433 1-877-FEMAIDE.
Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Offers support services and short-term counselling to help survivors deal with the impact of abuse and to develop improved coping strategies
Partner agency of Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse (West Region)
cschn@cschn.caOffice: 905-734-1141
Crisis : 1-877-336-2433 (1-877-FEMAIDE)
Toll Free: 1-866-885-5947
Fax: 905-734-1678
Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm
Design for A New Tomorrow
60 James StSte 502 St Catharines, ONL2R 7E7
Support individuals who have experienced abuse in intimate adult relationships in their journey towards healthy self-directed lives and respectful relationships.
A community based program funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services which provides individual and group counselling to enable women to become non-victims of physical or mental abuse. Participates in the Coalition to End Violence Against Women, which promotes and facilitates a coordinated community response to the abatement of violence against women.
* public education * intervention * treatment * follow-up * counselling * women's group
The Partner Assault Response Program is for individuals who have been abusive to their partners and are committed to change. Individuals are ordered by the court to attend the program in response to a criminal charge involving domestic violence.
dfnt@dfnt.caOffice: 905-684-1223 ext 1
Fax: 905-684-8067
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Gillian's Place
15 Gibson Place St Catharines, ONL2R 0A3
Offer confidential, non-judgmental advice and support for women, and gender - and sexually - diverse individuals, and their children experiencing gender-based violence and abuse.
Services include:
- emergency shelter
- 24/7 support line (call/text)
- compassionate counselling
- safety planning
- legal advice and support
- child and youth programming
- violence prevention programs and education
- second-stage housing
- transitional housing and support
- mental health and addictions support
Family Court Support Worker Program -- Facilitates a victim's understanding of and passage through the family court system. Support provided includes:
- information on the family court process
- assistance in preparing for family court proceedings (documenting history of abuse, accessing Legal Aid)
- debriefing with clients following family court appearances
- referral to specialized services and supports in the community
- safety planning
- court accompaniment to proceedings when appropriate
Individuals and families do not have to stay at the shelter to access any of the free, confidential services. The goal is to provide safety, support and empowerment to vulnerable women, Two-spirit, gender queer, trans and non-binary individuals in the community.
Office : 905-684-4000
Crisis: 905-684-8331
Fundraising : 905-684-4000 ext 254
Fax: 1-866-617-7604
Mon-Sun 24 hours
Niagara Health - Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Treatment Program
St Catharines Site, 1200 Fourth Ave St Catharines, ONL2S 0A9
Provides 24 hour emergency medical care and crisis intervention to all individuals (male and female) who have been sexually assaulted or victims of domestic violence within the last 12 days. Services are provided through a specialized team sensitive to the needs of survivors. Options of care include emotional support, prophylactic treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV post exposure prophylaxis, pregnancy prevention, and the collection of forensic evidence to assist in the legal process. Victims of domestic violence have options of medical treatment, documentation of injuries, safety planning and police involvement.
For emergency treatment, go to any emergency department or urgent care centre in the Niagara Region. The on-call Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence nurse will be contacted.
Counselling Program: Offers short-term trauma counselling to recent victims (within 2 years of the assault/abuse) of sexual violence or intimate partner violence to individuals 16 years of age and older. A social worker is available to answer questions and/or determine eligibility for counselling services every Wednesday morning between 9 am-12 noon. Call for information.
Office: 905-378-4647 ext 45300
Emergency Medical Service Mon-Sun 24 hours * Counselling Intake Wed 9 am-12 noon