Older Adult Infolink
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Community Safety

Safety and Support

Crime Stoppers of Niagara

198 Cushman Rd
Unit 2 St Catharines, ON
L2M 6T3

A program run by volunteers and that is NOT a part of the police. Information supplied to police through this community involvement assists in both solving and preventing crime.

While the fastest and most effective way to report a crime is by calling police directly, Crime Stoppers offers a method of reporting that guarantees anonymity.

Callers to Crime Stoppers can neither be asked nor subpoenaed to appear in court when they supply information to Crime Stoppers.

Cash rewards of up to $2000 are offered to persons who call the program with information that leads to an arrest.

Information can be supplied to Crime Stoppers of Niagara through encrypted web tips or phone tips.

Elder Abuse Program: Providing education to the community and cross sector service industry regarding elder abuse, as well as frauds and scams. Providing a connection to community partners that assist with concerns of elder abuse.

For more information on the educational opportunities and community partners, contact Administrative Coordinator Brooklyn Mercer by email brooklyn@niagaratips.com or call 905-324-8522.


Office: 1-800-222-8477

Mon-Sun 24 hours

Niagara (Region of). Community Services Department - Seniors Services - Seniors Community Programs: Niagara Gatekeepers Program

1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way
Thorold, ON
L2V 4T7

Phone line that anyone in the community can call to help connect at-risk older adults with programs and services. The Niagara Gatekeeper program works in collaboration with local partner agencies.

Referrals are made to the most appropriate partner agency. Upon consent from the older adult, the partner agency will provide education around local programs and assist in the coordination of referrals to a range of services and supports.

Services are intended to help individuals remain safe and independent at home for as long as possible. The referral line is confidential and callers may remain anonymous..

A senior showing the following signs may need assistance:

  • difficulty communicating, including confusion, memory loss, becoming withdrawn, hostile or angry
  • changes to personal appearance, including poor hygiene, grooming, wearing dirty or inappropriate clothing
  • deteriorating home conditions, including extreme neglect or disrepair, bad odoiurs, excessive clutter, neglected pets, lack of food
  • deteriorating health such as difficulty seeing, speaking or hearing, poor mobility or balance, recent falls, significant weigh loss, injuries or untreated wounds
  • decreased ability to handle money or pay bills
  • unusual transactions
  • inability to cope with the recent loss of a spouse or family member, friend or pet


Office: 905-684-0968

Administration: 905-984-2621

Fax: 905-984-6409

Referral Line Mon-Sun 8:30 am-8:30 pm

Niagara Sexual Assault Centre

Landmark Building, 43 Church St
Suite 503 St Catharines, ON
L2R 7E1

Crisis intervention and culturally sensitive counselling, supports and referrals

  • a 24 hour telephone crisis line
  • individual counselling and support groups
  • legal support, advocacy, information, and referrals
  • court support, accompaniment and advocacy program
  • information on alternatives to legal justice system
  • public education and training to end gender based violence in our community
  • all services confidential
  • Trans/ gender diverse positive environment

Provides support, individual and group counselling to women, men, victims/survivors of human trafficking and others who have experienced rape, sexual assault, incest and childhood sexual abuse * 24 hour crisis support line - offering support/information for recent or past rape, sexual assault and abuse

Individual/group counselling and theme-based workshops for survivors * Support also available for family and friends * Outreach counselling available at several locations throughout Niagara region including Niagara Falls, Fort Erie, Port Colborne, and Welland.

Hospital Response Workers provide accompaniment, emotional support and advocacy for victims attending the St Catharines hospital for medical care and/or Sexual Assault Evidence Kit collection (up to 12 days post assault) * Information, accompaniment and referrals to other agencies also available during police investigation and court proceedings

Volunteer Program: Contact office for more information

Public speakers available for community groups and high schools on various topics including: Sexual assault awareness and prevention * Date rape * Sexual harassment * Childhood sexual abuse prevention * Self defense * Sex Trafficking Awareness Programs

Ongoing education program: * Child Assault Prevention (CAP) Program for grades 1-6 * Youth Issues Prevention Program for grades 7-8 * Film, handouts and interactive discussions

Workshops available for professionals who come into contact with survivors of sexual assault and/or their families

Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Offers support services and short-term counselling to help survivors deal with the impact of abuse and to develop improved coping strategies

Partner agency of Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse (West Region)



Office: 905-682-7258

Crisis: 905-682-4584

Crisis: 905-329-4011

Fax: 905-682-2114

Administration Mon-Fri 9 am-4:30 pm * Crisis Support Line and Sex Trafficking Crisis Line Mon-Sun 24 hours

Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Court Services - Victim / Witness Assistance Program, St Catharines

Robert S K Welch Courthouse, 59 Church St
St Catharines, ON
L2R 7N8

Information and assistance to support participation in and understanding of the criminal court process. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is over. Services include:

  • information about victims' rights, the criminal justice process and their specific case (e.g., court dates)
  • needs assessment and referrals to community agencies
  • crisis intervention, emotional support, victim advocacy
  • facilitates victim's input and liaises with Crown Attorneys, police, regarding bail, safety, resolution of charges, release conditions, publication bans, testimonial aids, trial preparation and court orientation
  • information and support on Victim Impact Statements, Statement on Restitution
  • facilitates access to court orders, such as bail conditions, probation orders, peace bonds
  • debriefing and follow-up support

Vulnerable Victims and Family Fund (VVFF) -- Helps support victims of violent crime, families of homicide victims and families of motor vehicle fatalities participate more fully in the criminal court process by providing financial assistance and court-based supports for:

  • travel to attend key court dates
  • language interpretation services
  • special accommodations for victims with disabilities, such as real-time captioning
  • basic necessities for victims of human trafficking or gun and gang violence while attending for court


Office: 905-685-2671

Fax: 905-685-2673

Mon-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm

Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Court Services - Victim / Witness Assistance Program, Welland

Welland Courthouse, 102 East Main St
Welland, ON
L3B 3W6

Information and assistance to support participation in and understanding of the criminal court process. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is over. Services include:

  • information about victims' rights, the criminal justice process and their specific case (e.g., court dates)
  • needs assessment and referrals to community agencies
  • crisis intervention, emotional support, victim advocacy
  • facilitates victim's input and liaises with Crown Attorneys, police, regarding bail, safety, resolution of charges, release conditions, publication bans, testimonial aids, trial preparation and court orientation
  • information and support on Victim Impact Statements, Statement on Restitution
  • facilitates access to court orders, such as bail conditions, probation orders, peace bonds
  • debriefing and follow-up support

Vulnerable Victims and Family Fund (VVFF) -- Helps support victims of violent crime, families of homicide victims and families of motor vehicle fatalities participate more fully in the criminal court process by providing financial assistance and court-based supports for:

  • travel to attend key court dates
  • language interpretation services
  • special accommodations for victims with disabilities, such as real-time captioning
  • basic necessities for victims of human trafficking or gun and gang violence while attending for court


Office: 905-735-4326

Office: 905-685-2671

Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm

Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Hamilton Services - Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee

Ellen Fairclough Bldg; 119 King St W
9th Flr Hamilton, ON
L8P 4Y7

The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT) is part of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General. It delivers a range of services that safeguard the legal, personal, and financial interests of certain private individuals and estates and protects charitable property in Ontario.

Services include:

  • conducting investigations of possible need for public guardianship
  • managing financial affairs and making decisions about the personal care of those under public guardianship
  • appointing private guardians of property
  • arranging legal representation in capacity proceedings
  • acting as litigation guardian or legal representative
  • administering the estates of deceased Ontario residents
  • protecting charitable property


Office: 905-546-8300

Business Line: (905) 546-8300

Toll Free: 1-800-891-0502

Fax: 905-546-8301

TTY: 1-416-314-2687

Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm

Victim Services Niagara - Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario

Niagara Regional Police Services Headquarters, 5700 Valley Way
Niagara Falls, ON
L2E 1X8

Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) - program of last resort where no other available private or public resource is available

Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario - On-site early intervention and crisis intervention

  • needs assessment
  • safety planning
  • referrals to community services
  • enhanced support for vulnerable victims
  • assistance with applications to VQRP+

Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+)
-- assistance with emergency expenses related to the eligible incident, may include home safety, accommodation, meals, transportation, basic necessities, dependent care costs, counselling, traditional Indigenous health services, cellular phones, vision care, dental care, aids for victims with disabilities, interpretation services, crime scene cleanup, government/medical documents and funeral expenses
  • Additional assistance for victims of human trafficking includes storage locker, tattoo removal and treatment at a recovery facility
  • No direct reimbursements are made to victims for the supports listed above
  • Financial support is also available for victims who sustained serious physical injuries during a crime and for parents of homicide victims and spouses of homicide victims



Office: 905-688-4111 ext 5084

Crisis: 905-682-2626

Fax: 289-248-1034

Mon-Sun 24 hours