Health & Wellness (Display All)
- Abuse/Violence Related Support
- Addictions Support
- Bereavement Support
- Condition Specific Care and Health/Disability Support Groups
- Dementia/Alzheimer Supports and Services
- Falls Prevention Programs/Education
- Hospitals and Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology
- Home Health Care, Palliative Care, Respite Care and Homemaker Assistance
- Mental Health Services and Adult Protective Services
- Physiotherapy Programs and Rehabilitation
- Physician Referrals and Medical Information Services
- Podiatry/Foot Care
- Walk-In Medical Clinics
- Warmlines and Crisis Lines
- Wellness Programs
Local Community Leisure Guides in Niagara
Economic Prosperity
Income Supports and Tax Services
Canada. Canada Pension Plan
Toronto, ON
Monthly retirement pension, beginning as early as 60 years or as late as 70 years
- full pension if started at 65 years
- reduced pension if started before 65 years
- increased pension if started after 65 years
Disability benefits -- for contributors under 65 years
- allowance for dependent children
- children's benefit for dependent children of deceased contributor
- death benefit (lump sum payment to estate, or persons responsible for funeral costs)
- pension credits earned by either spouse may be divided equally (credit splitting) on termination of marriage or common law partnership
Program of Employment and Social Development Canada, delivered by Service Canada
Retirement Hub - information and resources on pensions and retirement planning
Office: 1-800-277-9914
Office: 1-800-277-9915
TTY: 1-800-255-4786
Recorded information Mon-Sun 24 hours, all Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm to speak to an agent
Canada. Canada Revenue Agency - St Catharines Tax Services Office
32 Church StMain Fl St Catharines, ONL2R 3B7
Administers tax laws for the Government of Canada and for most provinces and territories, and administers various social and economic benefit and incentive programs delivered through the tax system.
Provides information on income tax deductions, credits and exemptions including:
- GST/HST Credit
- Canada Child Benefit
- Ontario Trillium Benefit
Office: 1-800-959-8281
Businesses & Self Employed Inidviduals: 1-800-959-5525
TIPS automated information: 1-800-267-6999
GST/HST enquiries: 1-800-387-1193
Fax: 905-688-5996
TTY: 1-800-665-0354
Mon-Fri 6:30 am-11 pm, Sat 7:30 am-8 pm
Canada. Employment Insurance
Toronto, ON
Service Overview
- Temporary financial assistance and support in finding new employment
- claimants must conduct a reasonable job search to remain eligible
- Basic benefit rate is 55% of average insured earnings
- maximum weekly benefit $650
- duration of benefits based on insured weeks of work and regional unemployment rate
- claimants keep 50 cents of EI benefits for every dollar earned in wages, up to a maximum of 90% of weekly earnings
- claimants may choose instead to earn up to 40% of regular benefits or $75 per week (whichever is higher) with no reduction in EI payment
- for low income families who receive the Canada Child Benefit (see separate entry)
- amount based on annual net family income
- supplement will be added to EI payment
- 26 weeks sickness benefits
- 26 weeks compassionate care benefits
- 35 weeks for family caregivers to care for critically ill or injured children, and 15 weeks to care for critically ill or injured adults
- 15 weeks maternity benefits
- 40 weeks standard parental, 69 weeks extended parental benefits available to natural, legal or adoptive parents -- benefits can be shared by both parents
My Service Canada Account
- computer access to claim information
- independent appeal process for Employment Insurance decisions, see separate entry
- online employment information and job postings
- employers can post jobs online
- see separate entry
Office: 1-800-206-7218,
Office: 1-800-808-6352
Automated Telephone Reporting Service Englishing Service: 1-800-531-7555
Automated Telephone Reporting Service French English Reporting Service: 1-800-431-5595
Social Security Tribunal : 1-877-227-8577
TTY: Toll free 1-800-529-3742
Recorded information Mon-Sun 24 hours
- call Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm to speak to an agent
Canada. Old Age Security Programs
Toronto, ON
Old Age Security (OAS)
- Monthly pension to legal residents of Canada 65 years and older
- full pension to those who have lived in Canada for at least 40 years after turning 18
- partial pension may be available
Allowance -- Monthly benefit for low income spouses (60-64 years) of GIS recipients; based on combined income of the couple
Allowance for the Survivor -- Monthly benefit for low income widowed spouses 60-64 years
Social Security Tribunal, 1-877-227-8577 -- independent appeal process for Old Age Security decisions, see separate entry
Programs of Employment and Social Development Canada, delivered by Service Canada
Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS), 1-866-668-8297 -- monthly supplement to low income Ontario seniors receiving OAS and GIS
- program of the Ontario Ministry of Finance
Retirement Hub - information and resource on pension and retirement planning
Office: 1-800-277-9914
Office #2: 1-800-277-9915
TTY: Toll free 1-800-255-4786
Recorded information Mon-Sun 24 hours, call Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm to speak to an agent
Grantham Lions Club
732 Niagara St St Catharines, ONL2M 1V7
A service club made up of community-minded men and women that raise funds for a variety of causes. New members are always welcome to join. Requests for funding must be forwarded in writing.
granthamlion@gmail.comClubhouse and Hall Rental: 905-935-8434
Call for information
Hope Centre (The) - Financial and Community Programs
570 King St Welland, ONL3B 3L2
Programs include:
Utility Assistance: Provides intake for the Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP) to lower electricity bills for low-income households.
Trusteeship: assists clients in effective budgeting * ensuring rent and bills are paid directly to the landlord and service providers to prevent evictions/disconnections
Dental: Brushed Aside partner agency - Limited assistance available for the treatment of pain/infection or dentures provided through a partnership with the United Way and other local agencies.
One Sight Program: assists clients with obtaining prescription eyeglasses
Homelessness Prevention Coordinator: provide housing information, assistance with goal setting, advocacy and emotional support
Kacey Lynn Fund: financial assistance to eligible families with children encountering health and dental expenses beyond their income and/or health benefits
Office: 905-788-0744
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm * Wed 11 am-7 pm
Niagara (Region of). Community Services Department - Social Assistance & Employment Opportunities
469 Central Ave Fort Erie, ONL2A 3T8
Provides financial assistance and a range of employment supports and activities, in partnership with community agencies, to enable participants and their families to achieve independence through sustainable employment.
OW and ODSP clients or low income individuals may be eligible for additional benefits including:
Dental and Dentures: Financial help with emergency dental services and dentures
Funeral and Burial Services: Financial help for costs related to funeral, cremation or burial
Health: Financial help for essential health-related items and services
Housing Stability: Financial help to cover rent payments or if you're moving
Utility Relief: Financial help with electricity and natural gas bills
Community Services can also provide emergency assistance to members of the community who are not recipients of Ontario Works benefits provided they meet certain eligibility criteria. These benefits include Emergency and discretionary benefits (i.e. basic needs, benefits and shelter) and may be accessed by the working poor, Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) recipients and homeless individuals.
Financial assistance may be available for individuals looking after a child where the individual needing assistance is not the child's birth or adoptive parent.
Staff provide life stabilization supports and services that support individuals (OW and ODSP non-disabled adults) in reaching a level of stability that allows them to be involved in their community and participate in employment services.
Office: 905-354-3561
Application/General Inquiry : 905-641-9230
Application/General Inquiry Toll Free : 1-866-627-1110
Cheque Inquiry (IVR): 1-800-808-2268
Fax: 905-994-7262
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Niagara (Region of). Community Services Department - Social Assistance & Employment Opportunities
5853 Peer St Niagara Falls, ONL2G 1X4
Provides financial assistance and a range of employment supports and activities, in partnership with community agencies, to enable participants and their families to achieve independence through sustainable employment.
OW and ODSP clients or low income individuals may be eligible for additional benefits including:
Dental and Dentures: Financial help with emergency dental services and dentures
Funeral and Burial Services: Financial help for costs related to funeral, cremation or burial
Health: Financial help for essential health-related items and services
Housing Stability: Financial help to cover rent payments or if you're moving
Utility Relief: Financial help with electricity and natural gas bills
Community Services can also provide emergency assistance to members of the community who are not recipients of Ontario Works benefits provided they meet certain eligibility criteria. These benefits include Emergency and discretionary benefits (i.e. basic needs, benefits and shelter) and may be accessed by the working poor, Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) recipients and homeless individuals.
Financial assistance may be available for individuals looking after a child where the individual needing assistance is not the child's birth or adoptive parent.
Staff provide life stabilization supports and services that support individuals (OW and ODSP non-disabled adults) in reaching a level of stability that allows them to be involved in their community and participate in employment services.
Office: 905-354-3561
Application/General Inquiry : 905-641-9230
Application/General Inquiry Toll Free : 1-866-627-1110
Cheque Inquiry (IVR): 1-800-808-2268
Fax: 905-353-1613
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Niagara (Region of). Community Services Department - Social Assistance & Employment Opportunities
92 Charlotte St Port Colborne, ONL3K 3E1
Provides financial assistance and a range of employment supports and activities, in partnership with community agencies, to enable participants and their families to achieve independence through sustainable employment.
OW and ODSP clients or low income individuals may be eligible for additional benefits including:
Dental and Dentures: Financial help with emergency dental services and dentures
Funeral and Burial Services: Financial help for costs related to funeral, cremation or burial
Health: Financial help for essential health-related items and services
Housing Stability: Financial help to cover rent payments or if you're moving
Utility Relief: Financial help with electricity and natural gas bills
Community Services can also provide emergency assistance to members of the community who are not recipients of Ontario Works benefits provided they meet certain eligibility criteria. These benefits include Emergency and discretionary benefits (i.e. basic needs, benefits and shelter) and may be accessed by the working poor, Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) recipients and homeless individuals.
Financial assistance may be available for individuals looking after a child where the individual needing assistance is not the child's birth or adoptive parent.
Staff provide life stabilization supports and services that support individuals (OW and ODSP non-disabled adults) in reaching a level of stability that allows them to be involved in their community and participate in employment services.
Office: 905-734-7975
Application/General Inquiry : 905-641-9230
Application/General Inquiry Toll Free : 1-866-627-1110
Cheque Inquiry (IVR): 1-800-808-2268
Fax: 905-834-4445
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Niagara (Region of). Community Services Department - Social Assistance & Employment Opportunities
234 Bunting Rd St Catharines, ONL2R 6Z4
Provides financial assistance and a range of employment supports and activities, in partnership with community agencies, to enable participants and their families to achieve independence through sustainable employment.
OW and ODSP clients or low income individuals may be eligible for additional benefits including:
Dental and Dentures: Financial help with emergency dental services and dentures
Funeral and Burial Services: Financial help for costs related to funeral, cremation or burial
Health: Financial help for essential health-related items and services
Housing Stability: Financial help to cover rent payments or if you're moving
Utility Relief: Financial help with electricity and natural gas bills
Community Services can also provide emergency assistance to members of the community who are not recipients of Ontario Works benefits provided they meet certain eligibility criteria. These benefits include Emergency and discretionary benefits (i.e. basic needs, benefits and shelter) and may be accessed by the working poor, Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) recipients and homeless individuals.
Financial assistance may be available for individuals looking after a child where the individual needing assistance is not the child's birth or adoptive parent.
Staff provide life stabilization supports and services that support individuals (OW and ODSP non-disabled adults) in reaching a level of stability that allows them to be involved in their community and participate in employment services.
Office: 905-641-9960
Application/General Inquiry : 905-641-9230
Application/General Inquiry Toll Free : 1-866-627-1110
Cheque Inquiry (IVR): 1-800-808-2268
Fax: 905-984-8760
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Niagara (Region of). Community Services Department - Social Assistance & Employment Opportunities
250 Thorold Rd Welland, ONL3C 3W2
Provides financial assistance and a range of employment supports and activities, in partnership with community agencies, to enable participants and their families to achieve independence through sustainable employment.
OW and ODSP clients or low income individuals may be eligible for additional benefits including:
Dental and Dentures: Financial help with emergency dental services and dentures
Funeral and Burial Services: Financial help for costs related to funeral, cremation or burial
Health: Financial help for essential health-related items and services
Housing Stability: Financial help to cover rent payments or if you're moving
Utility Relief: Financial help with electricity and natural gas bills
Community Services can also provide emergency assistance to members of the community who are not recipients of Ontario Works benefits provided they meet certain eligibility criteria. These benefits include Emergency and discretionary benefits (i.e. basic needs, benefits and shelter) and may be accessed by the working poor, Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) recipients and homeless individuals.
Financial assistance may be available for individuals looking after a child where the individual needing assistance is not the child's birth or adoptive parent.
Staff provide life stabilization supports and services that support individuals (OW and ODSP non-disabled adults) in reaching a level of stability that allows them to be involved in their community and participate in employment services.
Office: 905-734-7975
Application/General Inquiry : 905-641-9230
Application/General Inquiry Toll Free : 1-866-627-1110
Cheque Inquiry (IVR): 1-800-808-2268
Fax: 905-735-7307
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services - Ontario Disability Support Program
Garden City Tower, 301 St Paul StMezzanine Fl St Catharines, ONL2R 7R4
Helps people with disabilities who are in financial need pay for living expenses, like food and housing.
The program provides eligible people with disabilities with:
Income Support - helps people with disabilities who are in financial need pay for living expenses, like food and housing.
Employment Supports - helps people with disabilities who can and want to work prepare for and find a job.
If a person is receiving ODSP Income support, the individual and their family may be eligible to receive health benefits including prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, medical supplies, transportation to medical appointments.
Extended Health Benefit If someone does not qualify for ODSP income support due to excess income from other sources, they may qualify for the Extended Health Benefit. It may help with the cost of prescription drugs, basic dental care, vision care, medical supplies, transportation to medical appointments, assistive devices including hearing aids.
odspstcath@ontario.caOffice: 905-688-3022
Toll Free: 1-800-263-5413 ; IVR 1-800-808-2268
Fax: 905-688-2904
TTY: 905-688-1140
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm
Service Canada - Service Canada, Fort Erie Scheduled Outreach Site
Job Gym, 469 Central Ave Fort Erie, ONL2A 3T8
One-stop service delivery for a wide range of federal programs and services. Internet access and assistance locating and applying for government programs including:
- Employment Insurance
- Social Insurance Numbers
- Canada Pension Plan
- Old Age Security
- Apprenticeship Incentive Grant.
Office: 1-800-622-6232
TTY: 1-800-926-9105
First and Third Thu 10 am-12 noon, 12:30 pm-3 pm
Service Canada - Service Canada, Grimsby Scheduled Outreach Site
Employment Help Centre, Village Inn Centre; 63 Main St W Grimsby, ONL3M 4H1
One-stop service delivery for a wide range of federal programs and services. Internet access and assistance locating and applying for government programs including:
- Employment Insurance
- Social Insurance Numbers
- Canada Pension Plan
- Old Age Security
- Apprenticeship Incentive Grant
Office: 1-800-622-6232
TTY: 1-800-926-9105
Second and Fourth Wed 9:30 am-12 noon, 12:30 pm-3 pm
Service Canada - Service Canada, Niagara Falls Service Canada Centre
6080 McLeod Rd Niagara Falls, ONL2G 7T4
One-stop service delivery for a wide range of federal programs and services. Internet access and assistance locating and applying for government programs including:
- Employment Insurance
- Social Insurance Numbers
- Canada Pension Plan
- Old Age Security
- Apprenticeship Incentive Grant
Passport receiving agents are also available at this location. Passport Receiving Agents can:
- accept standard passport applications in person
- take payment
- collect and validate supporting documents
- review applications for completeness
- send in applications for processing
Office: 1-800-622-6232
TTY: 1-800-926-9105
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4 pm
Service Canada - Service Canada, Port Colborne Scheduled Outreach Site
Port Cares, 92 Charlotte St Port Colborne, ONL3K 3E1
One-stop service delivery for a wide range of federal programs and services. Internet access and assistance locating and applying for government programs including:
- Employment Insurance
- Social Insurance Numbers
- Canada Pension Plan
- Old Age Security
- Apprenticeship Incentive Grant.
Office: 1-800-622-6232
TTY: 1-800-926-9105
Second and Fourth Tue 10 am-12 noon, 12:30 pm-3 pm
Service Canada - Service Canada, St Catharines Service Canada Centre
Henley Square Plaza, 395 Ontario StUnits E and F St Catharines, ONL2N 7N6
One-stop service delivery for a wide range of federal programs and services. Internet access and assistance locating and applying for government programs including:
- Employment Insurance
- Social Insurance Numbers
- Canada Pension Plan
- Old Age Security
- Apprenticeship Incentive Grant.
- accept standard passport applications in person
- take payment
- collect and validate supporting documents
- review applications for completeness
- send in applications for processing
Office: 1-800-622-6232
TTY: 1-800-926-9105
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4 pm
Veteran Affairs Canada - Veterans Affairs Canada, Hamilton District Office
120 King St W2nd Flr Hamilton, ONL8P 4V2
Offers a wide variety of services for Canadian Veterans and their families. This includes:
- support and services related to physical and mental health and wellness
- support for income, emergency funding
- post-service training and education and employment assistance
- help at home, assistance with at-risk housing situations
- death and bereavement
- benefits and services for family, including survivors and caregivers
- history, memorials, medals, and decorations of those who served
Toll Free: English 1-866-522-2122 * French 1-866-522-2022
TTY: 1-833-921-0071
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Wainfleet Lions Club
Lions Community Centre; 12166 Lakeshore RdLong Beach Wainfleet, ONL0S 1V0
A service club that raises funds for LIONS INTERNATIONAL Projects including the blind, youth, diabetes and dialysis programs, sponsorship of leader dogs and community minor sports and scholarships.
May be able to help local individual's who request assistance.
Hours vary, Sep-Jun
Meetings: First, Third Wed 7 pm for dinner Meeting at the Wainfleet Lions Community Centre on Lakeshore Rd