Older Adult Infolink
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Health & Wellness

Addictions Support

Al-Anon Family Groups

Niagara, ON

AL-ANON is a program of self-help for anyone affected by someone else's drinking, such as family and friends of someone who has an issue with drinking.

ALATEEN is the program designed for the teenagers affected by another's drinking



Office: 905-328-1677

Call for information

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

St Catharines, ON

A recovery group for alcoholics. Not aligned with any sect, denomination, organization or institution * open meeting for AA, newcomers, family and friends * closed meetings for group discussion by alcoholics * 12-step program



Office: 1-866-311-9042

Answering Service Mon-Sun 24 hours

ARID Recovery Homes

89 Queen St
Fort Erie, ON
L2A 1T9

Provides a safe, supportive, living environment for men recovering from substance abuse and enables residents to return to the community as healthy and productive citizens.



Office: 289-407-7757

Office: 289-407-7757

Office: 289-820-8192

Office Mon-Fri 8 am-4 pm
Residents 1-2-3 group Mon 10 am
Residential men's group Tue 10 am
Relapse Prevention Thu 10 am
Narcotics Anonymous Wed 7:30 pm
Alcoholics Anonymous Thu 7:30 pm

ARID Recovery Homes

175 Pine St S
Thorold, ON
L2V 3M5

Provides a safe, supportive, living environment for men recovering from substance abuse and enables residents to return to the community as healthy and productive citizens.



Office: 905-227-1113

Office: 289-407-7757

Office: 289-820-8192

Office Mon-Fri 8 am-4 pm
Men's Group Tue 10 am
12 Step Meeting Wed 10:30 am

ARID Recovery Homes - Women's Interim Support Home

35 River Rd
Welland, ON
L3B 2R7

Provides a safe, supportive, living environment for women recovering from substance abuse and enables residents to return to the community as healthy and productive citizens. Female home coinciding with two men's homes in the Region.


Office: 289-820-8192

Women's 12-step meeting Wed 10 am
Women's residential groups hours vary

Community Addiction Services of Niagara

60 James St
Suite 401 St Catharines, ON
L2R 7E7

Youth, adults and family members can access this program, designed to help individuals and their relatives/significant others with alcohol, drug and gambling problems obtain effective treatment. Services include:

  • comprehensive assessment
  • individualized treatment plan
  • referrals to appropriate resources
  • case management
  • outpatient counselling
  • pretreatment group
  • day treatment education and skills development group
  • aftercare groups

Individual, family/relatives/significant others support also available. Emphasis is placed on cognitive behavioural and solution-focused approaches to the development of healthy lifestyles.



Office: 905-684-1183

Fax: 905-684-1551

Mon-Fri 8 am-4:30 pm * Some evening hours also available.

Community Addiction Services of Niagara - Gambling Support Services

60 James St
Suite 401 St Catharines, ON
L2R 7E7

Out-patient assessment and counselling services specific to problem gamblers. Service is flexible and confidential and is available at various locations throughout the Niagara Region. Counselling for family members/significant others is also available.



Office: 905-684-1183

Fax: 905-684-1551

Office Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm * Some evening hours available

Fresh Start Clinic

Community Health Pharmacy, 4790 Victoria Ave
Niagara Falls, ON
L2E 4C2

Offers Methadone maintenance treatment and Suboxone programs for opiate based drug addiction.



Office: 905-488-3187

Toll Free: 1-866-840-7474

Fax: 905-448-5878

Mon 9 am -5 pm, Tue 7 am-4 pm, Thu 9 am-6 pm, Fri 9 am-4 pm

Fresh Start Clinic

120 Welland Ave
St Catharines, ON
L2R 2N3

Offers Methadone maintenance treatment and Suboxone programs for opiate based drug addiction.



Office: 905-488-3146

Toll Free: 1-866-840-7474

Fax: 905-488-3494

Mon 9 am-5 pm, Tue 6:30 am-4 pm, Wed 7 am-7 pm, Thu 9 am-6 pm, Fri 9 am-4 pm

Fresh Start Clinic

601 East Main St, Unit 1
Welland, ON
L3B 3Y3

Offers Methadone maintenance treatment and Suboxone programs for opiate based drug addiction.



Office: 905-488-6680

Toll Free: 1-866-840-7474

Fax: 905-448-5861

Mon 9 am-5 pm, Tue 7 am-4 pm, Thu 9 am-6 pm, Fri 9 am-4 pm

Fresh Start Clinic

8-254 Killaly St W
Port Colborne, ON
L3K 6A6

Offers Methadone maintenance treatment and Suboxone programs for opiate based drug addiction.



Office: 905-488-6672

Toll Free: 1-866-840-7474

Fax: 905-448-5867

Mon, Tue, Fri 9 am -4 pm * Thu 9 am-6 pm


St Andrew's United Church, 5654 Morrison St
Niagara Falls, ON
L2E 2E8

A Gam-Anon International family support group for friends and families of gamblers. Rides may be provided if required.


Office: No public telephone number

Wed 7 pm

Gamblers Anonymous - New Hope

St Andrew's United Church; 5645 Morrison St
Niagara Falls, ON
L2E 2E8

A self-help group for anyone with a gambling addiction.


Office: 1-855-222-5542

Wed 7 pm-8:45 pm

Mental Health and Addictions Access Line

Niagara, ON

A telephone service available 24/7 for adult (16 years of age and older) residents of Niagara that provides:

  • Exploration of client needs, while providing immediate emotional support
  • Direct connection to the most appropriate mental health and/or addictions service
  • Follow up with agencies to ensure each client is connected to service
Offered through Distress Centre Niagara, utilizing highly trained volunteers and staff, in partnership with mental health and addictions services providers in the Niagara Region, funded by the Local Health Integration Network.



Office: 1-866-550-5205 option 2

Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST): 1-866-550-5205 option 1

Fax: 905-682-7959

Mon-Sun 24 hours

Narcotics Anonymous

Niagara, ON

An international, community-based association of recovering drug addicts based on peer support.



Office: 1-888-811-3887

Visit website or call for information

Niagara (Region of). Public Health - Tobacco Hotline

1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way
Thorold, ON
L2V 4T7

Enacted to protect the health of all Ontarians by prohibiting smoking tobacco, cannabis and vaping in all enclosed places and public places. Designed to prevent youth from starting to smoke or vape, to help people quit smoking, and to protect Ontarians from the health effects of second-hand smoke/vapour. Can offer assistance with the following:

  • quit smoking help
  • signage for a business, home or car
  • information on smoking legislation
  • reporting a complaint


Office: 905-688-8248 ext 7393

Toll Free: 1-888-505-6074 ext 7393

Fax: 905-688-7024

Tobacco Hotline Mon-Sun 24 hours

Niagara Health - Addiction Outpatient Programs

264 Welland Ave
St Catharines, ON
L2R 2P8

Out & About Clinic - 289-479-5090
Provides care to clients who have an opiate addiction with methadone or Suboxone replacement therapy

A Better Choice (ABC) - 905-378-1075
Provides intensive case management to pregnant/parenting women with substance use issues and their family units (ages 0 - 6 years) * parenting skills training and health teaching, advocacy and referrals are also provided

Hepatitis C Clinic - 905-378-4647 ext 32554
Services offered include treatment for Hepatitis C infection, outreach services, peer treatment coaching and individual counselling. Patients can be referred by a family physician, Niagara Region Public Health or community health centres. Individuals who know they have Hepatitis C or believe they may be at risk of infection can also self-refer by contacting 905-378-4647 ext 32554

Rapid Access to Addiction Medicine (RAAM) - 905-378-4647 ext 49463
Provides care for people seeking help with any substance or alcohol problems. The team provides assessment, counselling, medications and referrals. Self referrals accepted by contacting 905 378 4647 ext 49463


Office: 905-682-7211

ABC 8 am-4 pm
O&A Tue 8:30 am-4 pm * Thu 12 noon-6 pm
RAAM Mon, Wed, Fri 9 am-2 pm

Niagara Health - New Port Centre

260 Sugarloaf St
Port Colborne, ON
L3K 2N7

A 35-bed residence offering a comprehensive range of services for people recovering from alcohol and substance use.

Residential Treatment Services -- an 21-day residential, co-educational, treatment program focusing on addiction recovery through stabilization, education, skill development, health promotion and aftercare planning.

Hepatitis C Clinic Services offered include treatment for Hepatitis C infection, outreach services, peer treatment coaching and individual counselling. Patients can be referred by a family physician, Niagara Region Public Health or community health centres. Individuals who know they have Hepatitis C or believe they may be at risk of infection can also self-refer by contacting 905-378-4647 ext 32554

Niagara Methadone Services 905-378-4647 ext 32542, Mon-Fri 7:30 am-3:30 pm -- Medical assessment, opiate replacement treatment and referrals are offered to help people manage their opiate dependence.

Niagara Eating Disorder Outpatient Program 905-378-4647 ext 32532, Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm -- Outpatient services for people with concerns about anorexia, bulimia and other food-related disorders. Services include medical and nutritional assessment, education, group therapy, support group, individual and family counselling and referral. Referral by medical doctor only.



Office: 905-378-4647 ext 32500

Fax: 905-834-3002

Office Mon-Fri 8 am-4 pm
Residential Program Mon-Sun 24 hours

Niagara Health - Niagara Regional Men's Withdrawal Management Service

264 Welland Ave
St Catharines, ON
L2R 2P8

Withdrawal Management Services (WMS) offers free and confidential supportive care for those at risk for, or currently experiencing withdrawal as a result of alcohol and/or substance use and provides a safe space to help you create positive lifestyle changes to support your sobriety and recovery process.

Services and Programs:

  • Safe withdrawal management
  • Access to addictions Nurse Practitioner
  • Compassionate and supportive 1:1 treatment planning and coaching
  • Access and referrals to community services and treatment
  • Recovery-based education and activities
  • Access to NA/AA/CA groups on-site


Office: 905-682-7211

Fax: 905-682-4749

Mon-Sun 24 hours

Niagara Health - Niagara Regional Women's Withdrawal Management Service

264 Welland Ave
St Catharines, ON
L2R 2P8

Withdrawal Management Services (WMS) offers free and confidential supportive care for those at risk for, or currently experiencing withdrawal as a result of alcohol and/or substance use and provides a safe space to help you create positive lifestyle changes to support your sobriety and recovery process.

Services and Programs:

  • Safe withdrawal management
  • Access to addictions Nurse Practitioner
  • Compassionate and supportive 1:1 treatment planning and coaching
  • Access and referrals to community services and treatment
  • Recovery-based education and activities
  • Access to NA/AA/CA groups on-site


Office: 905-682-7211

Fax: 905-682-4749

Mon-Sun 24 hours

Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres

6175 Dunn St
Unit 11 Niagara Falls, ON
L2G 2P4

Provides treatment of opiate dependence using Methadone and Suboxone, Hep C treatment, and Harm Reduction Supplies.



Office: 905-356-0666

Toll Free: 1-877-937-2282

Fax: 905-356-0902

Mon, Tue, Thu 6 am-12 noon, 12:30 pm-3 pm * Wed, Fri 6 am-12 noon, 12 noon-1 pm * Sat, Sun 9 am-12 noon

Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres

The Hope Centre, 570 King St
Unit 2 A Welland, ON
L3B 3L2

Provide Methadone maintenance treatment for individuals who are Opiate dependent. Also offers testing and treatment services for Hepatitis C



Office: 289-820-8730

Fax: 289-820-8296

Mon-Fri 7:30 am-2 pm, Sat-Sun 9 am-12 noon

Positive Living Niagara - Consumption and Treatment Services

105 Queenston St
Back entrance St Catharines, ON
L2R 2Z5

A safe place to get information about how to be safe, get connected, and use substances supervised by harm reduction staff. Paramedics are also onsite to provide immediate intervention in the event of an overdose.

Also offers naloxone training, basic wound care and referrals to social programming and treatment.



Office: 905-984-8684 ext 311

Mon-Sun 7:30 am am-7:30 pm (last intake at 6:30pm)

Positive Living Niagara - StreetWorks

120 Queenston St
St Catharines, ON
L2R 2Z3

A free and confidential harm reduction program that offers sterile injection and disposal supplies to people who inject drugs.

The following services are available:

  • needles and syringes in various sizes
  • sharps containers
  • ties, filters, alcohol swabs, sterile spoons
  • condoms, lubricant, dental dams
  • information on safer sex, safer injection
  • non-judgemental supportive counselling and referrals
  • nursing services in the office and in the van providing HIV, Hepatitis and STI testing, pregnancy tests, vaccines and minor wound care
  • Hep C outreach worker is available for support, information and referrals
  • Addictions counselor is available in the StreetWorks van
  • Beyond the N.O.D. Niagara Overdose Diversion Program
  • Opioid Overdose Prevention training and Naloxone (Narcan) distribution
  • Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS)
    • A safe place to get information about how to be safe, get connected and use substances supervised by harm reduction staff. Paramedics are onsite to provide immediate intervention in the event of an overdose.
    • Also offer naloxone training, basic wound care and referrals to social programming and treatment


StreetWorks Outreach Van: 905-328-6715

Office: 905-984-8684

Fax: 905-988-1921

Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm
Mobile Services Mon-Fri 6 pm-10:30 pm
CTS Mon-Sun 9:30 am-8:30 pm (last intake at 7:30 pm)

Segue Clinic - Outpatient Addiction Treatment Centre

61 James St
Upper Fl St Catharines, ON
L2R 5B9

Offers Methadone Maintenance and Suboxone (Buprenorphine) treatment programs for opiate based drug addiction.


Office: 905-688-1827 ext 5

Toll Free: 1-866-301-1331

Fax: 905-688-7283

Mon, Thu-Fri 8 am-4 pm * Tue 7 am-4 pm * Wed 4 pm- 7 pm * Sat 9 am-12 pm
Wed evening clinic and Sat morning clinics are available to those individuals who are unable to attend traditional business hours

Segue Clinic - Outpatient Addiction Treatment Centre

4632 Victoria Ave
Niagara Falls, ON
L2E 4B7

Offers Methadone Maintenance and Suboxone (Buprenorphine) treatment programs for opiate based drug addiction.


Office: 905-688-1827 ext 4

Fax: 905-358-6413

Mon 8 am-7 pm * Tue, Thu-Fri 8 am-4 pm

Segue Clinic - Outpatient Addiction Treatment Centre

200 Catharine St
Port Colborne, ON
L3K 4K8

Offers Methadone Maintenance and Suboxone (Buprenorphine) treatment programs for opiate based drug addiction.


Office: 905-688-1827 ext 3

Fax: 905-834-1001

Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri 8 am-3 pm

Segue Clinic - Outpatient Addiction Treatment Centre

East Main Pharmacy Plaza, 816 East Main St
Welland, ON
L3B 3Y7

Offers Methadone Maintenance and Suboxone (Buprenorphine) treatment programs for opiate based drug addiction.


Office: 905-688-1827 ext 7

Fax: 905-788-3040

Mon, Fri 8:30 am-4 pm * Tue 7 am-4 pm * Thurs 8:30 am-7 pm * Sat 9 am-12 pm * Thu evening clinic and Sat morning clinics are available to those individuals who are unable to attend traditional business hours

Segue Clinic - Outpatient Addiction Treatment Centre

80 Main St W
Grimsby, ON
L3M 1R6

Offers Methadone Maintenance and Suboxone (Buprenorphine) treatment programs for opiate based drug addiction.


Office: 905-688-1827 ext 9

Fax: 905-309-5358

Mon 8:30 am-5 pm * Tue, Thu-Fri 8:30 am-3 pm

Segue Clinic - Outpatient Addiction Treatment Centre

660 Garrison Rd
Unit 7 (at back of Remedy's Rx Pharmacy) Fort Erie, ON
L2A 6E2

Offers Methadone Maintenance and Suboxone (Buprenorphine) treatment programs for opiate based drug addiction.


Office: 905-688-1827 ext 10

Fax: 289-320-9711

Call for information

Segue Clinic - Outpatient Addiction Treatment Centre

8 Clairmont St
Unit 1 Thorold, ON
L2V 1R1

Offers Methadone Maintenance and Suboxone (Buprenorphine) treatment programs for opiate based drug addiction.


Office: 905-688-1827 ext 8

Fax: 905-680-9898

Mon 8 am-6 pm * Tue, Thu, Fri 8 am-3 pm

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous - Welcome Home Group

Queensway Free Methodist Church, 4397 Dorchester Rd
Niagara Falls, ON
L2E 6N5

A twelve step, twelve tradition oriented fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. Meetings are closed meetings restricted to sex and love addicts (or those who think they might be sex and love addicts). If the meeting is designated as an open meeting it can be attended by family members, friends or significant others of addicts at their invitation.



Office: No public telephone number

Mon 7 pm

St Paul Street Clinic

7 Welland Ave
St Catharines, ON
L2R 2L8

An addictions management clinic helping individuals with an opiate drug addiction.

Office: 905-684-2777

Fax: 905-684-2776

Mon, Tue 7 am-3 pm * Wed 8 am-1 pm * Thu 7 am-5 pm * Fri 8 am-1 pm * Sat 8 am-1 pm
Doctor's hours may differ from clinic hours

Towards Recovery - Towards Recovery Clinic, St Catharines

363 St Paul St
St Catharines, ON
L2R 3N1

Provide opioid addiction services including methadone treatment.



Clinic: 905-684-9339

Toll Free: 1-877-937-2282

Fax: 905-684-2098

Mon-Fri 7 am-3 pm, Sat 9 am-12 noon

Wayside Niagara

50 Queenston St
St Catharines, ON
L2R 2Y9

Long-term recovery home for male substance abusers offering pre/post treatment services in the areas of addiction, life skills, prevocational and vocational planning.


Office: 905-684-9248

Fax: 905-684-9249

Mon-Sun 24 hours

Wayside Transitional Home

200 Queenston St
St Catharines, ON
L2R 2Y9

Provides transitional housing for men wanting an alcohol and drug-free environment with access to rehabilitation programs, including alcohol/drug counselling, employment services, etc. Guidelines and curfews are in place.


Office: 905-684-6601

Fax: 905-684-9249

Mon-Sun 24 hours

YWCA Niagara Region - Women's Addiction Recovery Mediation

385 Derby Rd
Fort Erie, ON
L0S 1B0

Non-profit and charitable counselling, support and referral service for women-identified individuals experiencing addiction or affected by the addiction of another.

WARM provides individual support and support groups where people with similar shared experiences can relate to one another and receive support. WARM also offers education al tools and coping strategies to help contribute to healthy individuals, families and communities.

All WARM groups are influenced by a feminist, trauma informed, harm reduction model, utilizing tools from CBT and DBT. WARM provides the opportunity for participants to stay at home and maintain families and employment while accessing counselling and support.

Personal Support Recovery Programs: Individual Support, Women's Support Groups, Workshops, Information and Referrals, Educational Resource Sharing Library



Office: 905-359-1045

Tue 10 am-11 pm

YWCA Niagara Region - Women's Addiction Recovery Mediation

6135 Culp St
Niagara Falls, ON
L2G 2B6

Non-profit and charitable counselling, support and referral service for women-identified individuals experiencing addiction or affected by the addiction of another.

WARM provides individual support and support groups where people with similar shared experiences can relate to one another and receive support. WARM also offers education al tools and coping strategies to help contribute to healthy individuals, families and communities.

All WARM groups are influenced by a feminist, trauma informed, harm reduction model, utilizing tools from CBT and DBT. WARM provides the opportunity for participants to stay at home and maintain families and employment while accessing counselling and support.

Personal Support Recovery Programs: Individual Support, Women's Support Groups, Workshops, Information and Referrals, Educational Resource Sharing Library



Office: 905-359-1045

Tue 2 pm-3 pm

YWCA Niagara Region - Women's Addiction Recovery Mediation

183 King St
St Catharines, ON
L2R 3J5

Non-profit and charitable counselling, support and referral service for women-identified individuals experiencing addiction or affected by the addiction of another.

WARM provides individual support and support groups where people with similar shared experiences can relate to one another and receive support. WARM also offers education al tools and coping strategies to help contribute to healthy individuals, families and communities.

All WARM groups are influenced by a feminist, trauma informed, harm reduction model, utilizing tools from CBT and DBT. WARM provides the opportunity for participants to stay at home and maintain families and employment while accessing counselling and support.

Personal Support Recovery Programs: Individual Support, Women's Support Groups, Workshops, Information and Referrals, Educational Resource Sharing Library



Office: 905-359-1045

Wed 2 pm-3 pm