Health & Wellness (Display All)
- Abuse/Violence Related Support
- Addictions Support
- Bereavement Support
- Condition Specific Care and Health/Disability Support Groups
- Dementia/Alzheimer Supports and Services
- Falls Prevention Programs/Education
- Hospitals and Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology
- Home Health Care, Palliative Care, Respite Care and Homemaker Assistance
- Mental Health Services and Adult Protective Services
- Physiotherapy Programs and Rehabilitation
- Physician Referrals and Medical Information Services
- Podiatry/Foot Care
- Walk-In Medical Clinics
- Warmlines and Crisis Lines
- Wellness Programs
Local Community Leisure Guides in Niagara
Health & Wellness
Hospitals and Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology
Barclay Diagnostic Imaging - Diagnostic Imaging
589 Lake StLower Level St Catharines, ONL2N 7L6
Offers medical imaging and diagnostic services including ultrasound, vascular, bone density, breast imaging and X-Ray.
info@barclaydiagnosticimaging.comOffice: 905-934-3838
Fax: 905-934-5353
Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm, by appointment
Barclay Diagnostic Imaging - Diagnostic Imaging
4438 Ontario St Lincoln, ONL0R 1B5
Offers medical imaging and diagnostic services including ultrasound, vascular, bone density, breast imaging and X-Ray.
info@barclaydiagnosticimaging.comOffice: 905-563-5000
Fax: 289-768-4897
Mon-Fri 8 am-4 pm, by appointment
Barclay Diagnostic Imaging - Ontario Breast Screening Program
589 Lake StLower Level St Catharines, ONL2N 7L6
An Ontario Breast Screening Program site for early detection of breast cancer in women 30-69 years.
Screening includes two-view mammography. Screening results are sent to both the woman and her doctor. Women who receive normal results are automatically recalled for their next screening appointment. Women who receive abnormal results are referred to their doctor for further investigation or are referred directly for additional tests.
Public speaking, brochures, video and displays available.
info@barclaydiagnosticimaging.comOffice: 905-934-3838
Fax: 905-934-5353
Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm, by appointment
Bethlehem Housing and Support Services - Violence Against Women Services
58 Welland Ave St Catharines, ONL2R 2M5
Assists women who have experienced abuse during the course of their lives. Abuse may have occurred during a past relationship or it may be an ongoing concern in a current relationship.
Community Support Workers meet with participants and offer supports including safety planning, referrals to emergency shelters, advocacy, and accompaniment.
Operates from a feminist perspective which includes empowerment, re-affirmation, support, and advocacy, while maintaining a non-judgmental approach.
Support services include:
- Short-term, supportive counselling for women in the community
- Development of safety strategies or plans for women and their children
- Provision of information on rights, options, and available services
- Referrals or linking women to appropriate services
- Cultural interpretation
- Advocacy with other agencies (i.e. legal, financial, etc.)
intake@bethlehemhousing.caIntake Support Worker: 905-641-1660 ext 228
Fax: 905-684-1666
Mon-Thu 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Fri 8:30 am-12 noon
Birchway Niagara
8903 McLeod Rd Niagara Falls, ONL2H 3S6
Provides shelter and services for women and children experiencing abuse. Services include:
- 24-hour support line (call or text - 905-356-5800)
- Counselling and emotional support for women and children/youth who are being or who have been abused
- Safety planning
- Transitional and housing support
- Public education program
- Referrals
- information on the family court process
- assistance in preparing for family court proceedings (documenting history of abuse, accessing Legal Aid)
- debriefing with clients following family court appearances
- referral to specialized services and supports in the community
- safety planning
- court accompaniment to proceedings when appropriate
Services are available on an in-shelter or office visit
Office: 905-356-3933
Crisis: 905-356-5800
Administration Mon-Thu 9 am-5 pm, Fri 9 am-1 pm
Support Line/ShelterServices Mon-Sun 24 hours
Bunting and Carlton Medical Clinic
574 Carlton St St Catharines, ONL2M 4X9
Walk-in medical clinic that will treat minor ailments. A family medical practice as well.
buntingcarltonmedicalclinic@gmail.comOffice: 905-646-0063
Fax: 905-646-0084
Mon-Fri 9 am-4 pm
Centre de santé communautaire Hamilton / Niagara, Centre de santé communautaire Niagara - Counselling and Community Initiatives
810 East Main St Welland, ONL3B 3Y4
Children's Mental Health Program:
A wide variety of services are available to assist children, youth and families coping with mild to moderate mental health issues. Individualized assessment, counselling, case management and follow-up services are available to French-speaking children who have been exposed both directly and indirectly to some form of trauma such as violence, abuse, intimidation, war or torture.
The Service Coordination Program provides assistance to children and youth who require specialized mental health services that are currently not available in French. Services in this program may include: accompaniments and interpretation services, assisting English-speaking mental health professionals in the development of case plans for French-speaking clients, carrying out client assessments, counselling/treatment and case management services as agreed upon and in collaboration with the English-speaking service provider.
Adult Counselling Services:
Counselling services for those facing issues such as depression, bereavement, relationship difficulties with children etc.
Provides counselling and transitional support services for individuals identifying as women and for women who have been or are currently victims of abuse and/or sexual abuse. Also offering services for men who have been victims of abuse and/or sexual abuse during their childhood. Practical assistance such as accompaniments to lawyers' appointments, referrals to shelters or other housing options and safety planning are available. Off site services may be available to abusive partners through the Partner Abuse Response (PAR) program.
The CSC also partners with a 24 hour French Language Crisis line for victims of woman abuse "Femaide" 1-877-336-2433 1-877-FEMAIDE.
Office: 905-734-1141
Crisis : 1-877-336-2433 (1-877-FEMAIDE)
Toll Free: 1-866-885-5947
Fax: 905-734-1678
Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm
Centre de santé communautaire Hamilton / Niagara, Centre de santé communautaire Niagara - Primary and Community Health Care Services
810 East Main St Welland, ONL3B 3Y4
Clients have access to various health care professionals and services including family physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, laboratory services, registered dietitians, foot care, diabetes education and management, occupational therapists, dentist, dental hygiene, and vaccinations.
Senior's Services Program:
- Blood pressure clinics
- Home visits from a health care professional
- Case management services for French-speaking seniors or frail adults
- Visiting nurse services may be available for eligible clients
- Health promotion workshops
- Social activities
- English and French physical activity sessions and other community events
- Falls prevention programs
- "Soyons actifs & Gardez L'équilibre" exercise program
- Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program
- Volunteer opportunities
Health promotion programs:
- Oral health workshops and dental hygiene services through a partnership with the Niagara Region for eligible individuals
- Youth hub
cschn@cschn.caOffice: 905-734-1141 ext 2221
Crisis : 1-877-336-2433 (1-877-FEMAIDE)
Toll Free: 1-866-885-5947
Fax: 905-734-1678
Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm
Court Street Medical Center
Court Street Medical Center 9 Court StMain Fl St Catharines, ONL2R 4R3
A walk-in medical clinic providing urgent and non-urgent medical care. Pharmacy on site.
Info@courtstreetmedicalcentre.caOffice: 905-682-5411
Mon-Fri 9 am-7 pm, Sat 9 am-3 pm
Design for A New Tomorrow
60 James StSte 502 St Catharines, ONL2R 7E7
Support individuals who have experienced abuse in intimate adult relationships in their journey towards healthy self-directed lives and respectful relationships.
A community based program funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services which provides individual and group counselling to enable women to become non-victims of physical or mental abuse. Participates in the Coalition to End Violence Against Women, which promotes and facilitates a coordinated community response to the abatement of violence against women.
* public education * intervention * treatment * follow-up * counselling * women's group
The Partner Assault Response Program in partnership with the Family Counselling Centre) * Funded by the Ministry of the Attorney General * for individuals who have been abusive to their partners and are committed to change * Individuals who are ordered by the court to attend the program in response to a criminal charge involving domestic violence * Sliding fee schedule for service
Neighbours, Friend and Families Campaign - raises awareness of the signs of woman abuse. Speakers are available, please contact the office.
dfnt@dfnt.caOffice: 905-684-1223 ext 1
Fax: 905-684-8067
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Distress Centre of Niagara
St Catharines, ON
Distress Line Program
- Provides a free, confidential, 24-hour telephone distress line available 24/7/365.
- uses trained volunteers
- assist callers to solve their own problems
- information and referrals
- intervene in life-threatening situations
- extensive pre-service training programs for distress line
- suicide prevention and intervention workshops
- communication skills training
- provides emotional support, crisis and suicide intervention through text or instant message for those individual who many not want to receive support face to face or speak over the phone.
- provides a free, confidential 12-hour online and text support between the hours of 2pm and 2am EST
- uses trained volunteers
- assist callers to solve their own problems
- information and referrals
- intervene in life-threatening situations
- extensive pre-service training programs for distress line
- suicide prevention and intervention workshops
- communication skills training
dcniagara@distresscentreniagara.comOffice: 905-688-3711
Crisis: 905-688-3711
Office: 905-682-2719
Distress Line Program: Mon-Sun 24 hours * Text and Chat Program: Mon-Sun 12 hours (2 pm-2 am EST)
Distress Centre of Niagara
Fort Erie, ON
Distress Line Program
- Provides a free, confidential, 24-hour telephone distress line available 24/7/365.
- uses trained volunteers
- assist callers to solve their own problems
- information and referrals
- intervene in life-threatening situations
- extensive pre-service training programs for distress line
- suicide prevention and intervention workshops
- communication skills training
- provides emotional support, crisis and suicide intervention through text or instant message for those individual who many not want to receive support face to face or speak over the phone.
- provides a free, confidential 12-hour online and text support between the hours of 2pm and 2am EST
- uses trained volunteers
- assist callers to solve their own problems
- information and referrals
- intervene in life-threatening situations
- extensive pre-service training programs for distress line
- suicide prevention and intervention workshops
- communication skills training
dcniagara@distresscentreniagara.comOffice: 905-382-0689
Crisis: 905-382-0689
Office: 905-682-2719
Distress Line Program: Mon-Sun 24 hours * Text and Chat Program: Mon-Sun 12 hours (2 pm-2 am EST)
Distress Centre of Niagara
Grimsby, ON
Distress Line Program
- Provides a free, confidential, 24-hour telephone distress line available 24/7/365.
- uses trained volunteers
- assist callers to solve their own problems
- information and referrals
- intervene in life-threatening situations
- extensive pre-service training programs for distress line
- suicide prevention and intervention workshops
- communication skills training
- provides emotional support, crisis and suicide intervention through text or instant message for those individual who many not want to receive support face to face or speak over the phone.
- provides a free, confidential 12-hour online and text support between the hours of 2pm and 2am EST
- uses trained volunteers
- assist callers to solve their own problems
- information and referrals
- intervene in life-threatening situations
- extensive pre-service training programs for distress line
- suicide prevention and intervention workshops
- communication skills training
dcniagara@distresscentreniagara.comOffice: 905-563-6674
Crisis: 905-563-6674
Office: 905-682-2719
Distress Line Program: Mon-Sun 24 hours * Text and Chat Program: Mon-Sun 12 hours (2 pm-2 am EST)
Distress Centre of Niagara
Port Colborne, ON
Distress Line Program
- Provides a free, confidential, 24-hour telephone distress line available 24/7/365.
- uses trained volunteers
- assist callers to solve their own problems
- information and referrals
- intervene in life-threatening situations
- extensive pre-service training programs for distress line
- suicide prevention and intervention workshops
- communication skills training
- provides emotional support, crisis and suicide intervention through text or instant message for those individual who many not want to receive support face to face or speak over the phone.
- provides a free, confidential 12-hour online and text support between the hours of 2pm and 2am EST
- uses trained volunteers
- assist callers to solve their own problems
- information and referrals
- intervene in life-threatening situations
- extensive pre-service training programs for distress line
- suicide prevention and intervention workshops
- communication skills training
dcniagara@distresscentreniagara.comOffice: 905-734-1212
Crisis: 905-734-1212
Office: 905-682-2719
Distress Line Program: Mon-Sun 24 hours * Text and Chat Program: Mon-Sun 12 hours (2 pm-2 am EST)
Dr Mitchell's Medical Walk-In Clinic - Dr Mitchell's Medical Clinic
358 Scott St St Catharines , ONL2N 1J5
Walk-in medical clinic providing consultation and treatment for minor emergencies; a consultation and education service by referral only for medical cannabis.
Office: 905-994-9417
Fax: 905-994-9625
Mon-Thu 10 am-4 pm * Fri 10 am-1 pm * Call ahead as closing hours may vary
Gillian's Place
15 Gibson Place St Catharines, ONL2R 0A3
Offer confidential, non-judgmental advice and support for women, non-binary individuals, and their children experiencing gender-based violence and abuse.
Services include:
- compassionate one-on-one and group counselling
- emergency accommodation and transportation
- safety planning
- child and youth programming
- violence prevention programs and education
- second-stage housing
- transitional housing and support
- legal advice and support
- information on the family court process
- assistance in preparing for family court proceedings (documenting history of abuse, accessing Legal Aid)
- debriefing with clients following family court appearances
- referral to specialized services and supports in the community
- safety planning
- court accompaniment to proceedings when appropriate
Women do not have to stay at the shelter to access any of the free, confidential services. The goal is to provide safety, support and empowerment to vulnerable women, Two-spirit, gender queer, trans and non-binary individuals in the
Administration : 905-684-4000
Crisis: 905-684-8331
Fundraising : 905-684-4000 ext 254
Fax: 1-866-617-7604
Mon-Sun 24 hours
Grantham Medical Clinic
400 Scott St St Catharines, ONL2M 3W4
Provides first aid care, immunizations, injections (B12, iron, allergy), wart and skin tag removal, pregnancy tests, sexual health (sexually transmitted infection screening and treatment, contraception), travel consultations, tuberculosis test administering, driver's physical and out of country health visits.
Clinic: 905-937-0000
Pharmacy : 905-934-3333
Fax: 905-937-0030
Mon-Fri 9 am-2 pm, Sat 9 am-3 pm, Sun 10 am-3 pm
Greater Niagara Medical Imaging
37 Main St EUnit 4 Grimsby, ONL3M 1M7
Diagnostic imaging clinic, providing the following services:
- X-ray
- Ultrasound
Office: 289-797-2330
Fax: 289-235-8193
Ultrasound Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm * X-Ray Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm
Greater Niagara Medical Imaging
282 Linwell Rd St Catharines, ONL2N 6N5
Diagnostic imaging centre, providing the following services:
- X-Ray
- Ultrasound
Office: 905-935-0270
Fax: 905-935-8811
X-Ray Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm
Ultrasound Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm
Greater Niagara Medical Imaging
7885 McLeod RdUnit 114 Niagara Falls, ONL2H 0G5
Diagnostic imaging clinic, providing the following services:
- X-ray
- Ultrasound
- BMD - Bone Mineral Density
- Nuclear Medicine
- Cardiac Imaging
- Mammography
Office: 905-354-8448
Fax: 905-354-4664
Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm, Sat 8 am-1 pm
Greater Niagara Medical Imaging
5400 Portage RdSuite B2 Niagara Falls, ONL2G 5X7
Diagnostic imaging clinic, providing the following services:
- X-Ray
- General Ultrasound
Office: 905-356-6101
Fax: 905-356-9937
X-Ray Mon, Tue 8 am-5 pm * Wed-Fri 8 am-4 pm * Ultrasound by appointment
Greater Niagara Medical Imaging
464 Welland Ave S St Catharines, ONL2M 5V4
Diagnostic imaging clinic, offering the following services:
- X-ray
- Ultrasound
- Mammogram (Ontario Breast Screening Program)
- Bone Mineral Density (BMD)
- Cardiac Imaging
Office: 905-684-6388
Fax: 905-684-6389
Mon-Thu 7 am-7 pm, Fri 7 am-5 pm, Sat 9 am-2 pm
Greater Niagara Medical Imaging
245 Pelham RdSuite 213 St Catharines, ONL2S 1X8
Diagnostic imaging clinic, offering the following services:
- X-Ray
- Bone Mineral density (BMD)
Office: 905-685-0132
Fax: 905-685-4547
Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm
Greater Niagara Medical Imaging
555 Prince Charles Dr N Welland, ONL3C 6B5
Diagnostic imaging clinic, offering the following services:
- X-Ray
- Ultrasound
- Bone Mineral Density (BMD)
- Cardiac Imaging
Office: 905-735-2929
Fax: 905-735-2969
Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm
Hamilton Health Sciences - Ontario Breast Screening Program
169 Main St E Grimsby, ONL3M 1P3
An Ontario Breast Screening Program site for early detection of breast cancer in women 50 years and over.
Screening includes a four-view mammography. Screening results are sent to both the woman and her doctor. Women who receive normal results are automatically recalled for their next screening appointment. Women who receive abnormal results are referred to their doctor for further investigation or are referred directly for additional tests
Office: 905-945-2250 ext 11329
Fax: 905-945-5148
By appointment
Heart Niagara
4635B Queen St Niagara Falls, ONL2E 2L7
Provides a number of programs to the community:
CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION (CPR), AED AND FIRST AID TRAINING: Contracts to provide CPR and First Aid Training services to organizations.
HEALTHY HEART SCHOOLS' PROGRAM: Primary prevention program provides grade nine students with information about their individual heart health profiles to guide them toward making responsible decisions. Within a five day teaching block, the program provides measurements of fitness, height, weight, blood pressure, total cholesterol and CPR training. Provides the opportunity to present information on reducing the risk factors of heart disease to every person in the Niagara Region at least once in their lives.
DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM: Provides stress and echos, holter monitoring, loops and blood pressure monitors by physician referral only.
SMOKING CESSATION PROGRAM: Offers an on-site smoking cessation program.
COOKING FOR A HEALTHIER YOU: Provides cooking classes at a location determined by the group/organization/corporation. The cost will cover tastings of food prepared and hand outs.
HeartCORE: Furnished with MedX circuit training equipment. Weekly circuit style workouts are completed in less than 15 minutes and are performed with slow, controlled movements. An energy coach provides one-on-one attention, ensuring proper technique and safe, effective progression of the exercises.The program is suitable for most people as it offers individualized instruction, resistance loads that are geared toward age and initial fitness level, plus the weekly sessions encourage adequate recovery time. Weekly exercise sessions will increase muscle strength, flexibility, bone health and much more. Additional health benefits include better insulin sensitivity and lower cholesterol.
Office: 905-358-5552
Mon-Thu 9 am-4:30 pm * Fri 9 am-1 pm
Hospice Niagara
403 Ontario StUnit 2 St Catharines, ONL2N 1L5
Assists people and families from the time of diagnosis with a terminal illness, through to end-of-life care and bereavement. Programs and services are free of cost and support people in their homes, in the community and in the hospice residence.
Care at Home: Working with primary care providers as one team, medical, emotional and social supports help people live well, for as long as possible in their own home, while supporting caregivers.
Care at Hospice: A 10-bedroom home, providing care, compassion and dignity for people at end of life and their families.
Care in the Community:
Wellness Programs: Programs such as Day Hospice focus on helping people and caregivers live well.
Bereavement Support: Children, teenagers and adults explore their feelings of grief and loss in a safe and supportive space. Participation is not dependent on their loved one having been a Hospice Niagara client.
Education and Consultation: programs and resources to help family caregivers learn different strategies to cope and care for themselves, while they care for others.
Office: 905-984-8766
Call for information
KMH Cardiology and Diagnostic Centres
180 Vine StSte 106 St Catharines, ONL2R 7P3
A medical lab offering:
- Echo cardiograms
- Nuclear testing
- Cardiology consultations by referral only
Office: 1-877-564-5227
By appointment, testing hours vary * Call centre Mon-Fri 8 am-7 pm, Sat 9 am-5 pm
Morrison St Walk-in Clinic - Morrison Walk-in Medical Clinic
6453 Morrison St Niagara Falls, ONL2E 7H1
Walk-in medical clinic operated by family physicians and emergency physicians to provide alternative care. Does not treat complex problems.
Treatment for:
- Common colds
- Minor injuries and sutures
- Prescriptions
- Medical assessment
- Driver's physicals
- WSIB services
- Flu shots, Immunizations and medical travel advice
- Referral to specialists
- Blood pressure testing
- Lacerations
Office: 905-374-3344
Fax: 905-374-2966
Mon-Thu 9 am-9 pm * Fri 9 am-6 pm * Sat-Sun 9 am-3 pm
Niagara (Region of). Community Services Department - Seniors Services - Seniors Community Programs: South Niagara Health and Wellness Centre
234 Bunting Rd St Catharines, ONL2M 3Y1
A program that helps older adults live active, healthy and independent lives. The South Niagara Health and Wellness Centre is a partnership of community and health care providers offering rehabilitation, wellness education and community resource connections to help older adults become healthier, safer and stronger.
The service provides opportunities for older adults to:
- Access professional services such as Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Language Pathology
- Build strength, balance and confidence through exercise
- Socialize with others who are motivated to stay healthy, safe and strong
- Learn about health and wellness
- Learn about resources available to support independence and health
- Interact with students through classroom experiences
The centre is operated through a partnership of community and health care providers:
- Niagara Region
- Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre
- Niagara College
- March of Dimes Canada
- Home and Community Care Support Services Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant
Office: 905-984-2621
Toll Free: 1-877-212-3922
Office Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Client Programming 9 am-12 noon, 1 pm-4 pm
Niagara (Region of). Public Health - Niagara Physician Recruitment and Retention
1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way Thorold, ONL2V 4T7
Established to promote family practice opportunities and to attract and retain physicians in Niagara. The program works in collaboration with clinics and all 12 municipalities.
Click here to view a listing of family physicians accepting new patients.
Online service
Niagara (Region of). Public Health - Wainfleet Community Response Unit and Community Paramedic Program
Wainfleet, ON
Niagara EMS provides a Community Response Unit (CRU) in the Township of Wainfleet. The CRU has two purposes:
- To respond to all emergency medical 9-1-1 calls as a first response unit while an ambulance is on the way
- To provide an additional health resource to the Township of Wainfleet. This is called the Community Paramedic Program.
Office: 905-984-5050
Community Paramedics Mon-Sun 8 am-8 pm
Niagara Falls X-Ray and Ultrasound
6453 Morrison StSte 1 Niagara Falls, ONL2E 7H1
Diagnostic Imaging Clinic
- Radiography
- General Ultrasound
- Bone Mineral DXA
niagarafalls@valencemedicalimaging.comOffice: 905-374-1686
Fax: 905-374-4950
Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm, Sat 8 am-1 pm
Niagara Health - Hospital, Fort Erie Site
230 Bertie St Fort Erie, ONL2A 1Z2
Services include:
- Urgent Care Services
- Outpatient Clinics - includes COPD and Asthma Clinic and Methadone Clinic
- Complex Care
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Laboratory
- Hepatitis C Care - Counselling and Support Services ** by appointment only **
Office: 905-378-4647
Mon-Sun 24 hours * Program hours vary, call for information
Niagara Health - Hospital, Niagara Falls Site
5546 Portage Rd Niagara Falls, ONL2G 1J4
Services include:
- Emergency Department
- Critical Care Services
- Outpatient Clinics
- Outpatient Mental Health Services
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Regional Geriatric Assessment
- Off-site satellite Niagara Falls dialysis centre
- Regional Stroke Services
- Cardiology
- Complex Care
- Ontario Breast Screening Clinic
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Laboratory
- Hepatitis C Care Clinic - Satellite Clinic
Office: 905-378-4647
Mon-Sun 24 hours * Program hours vary, call for information
Niagara Health - Hospital, Port Colborne Site
260 Sugarloaf St Port Colborne, ONL3K 2N7
Services include:
- Urgent Care Services
- Outpatient Clinics including Hepatitis C Care Clinic, Eating Disorders Services, etc.
- Mental Health and Addictions Services
- Complex Care
- Diagnostic Imaging
Office: 905-378-4647
Mon-Sun 24 hours * Program hours vary, call for information
Niagara Health - Hospital, St Catharines Site
St Catharines Site, 1200 Fourth Ave St Catharines, ONL2S 0A9
Services include:
- Emergency and Urgent Care services
- Critical Care Services
- Cardiology Services
- Outpatient Clinics
- Women's, Babies and Children's Health
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Kidney Care Program
- Walker Family Cancer Centre
- Ontario Breast Screening Clinic
- Mental Health and Addictions
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Laboratory
Office: 905-378-4647
Mon-Sun 24 hours * Program hours vary, call for information
Niagara Health - Hospital, Welland Site
63 Third St Welland, ONL3B 4W6
Services include:
- Emergency Department
- Critical Care Services
- Ambulatory Clinics
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Mental Health and Addictions
- Regional Ophthalmology Program
- Kidney/Dialysis Care
- Diabetes Education Centre
- Complex Care
- Long-Term Care
- Ontario Breast Screening Clinic
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Laboratory
- Hepatitis C Care Clinic
Office: 905-378-4647
Mon-Sun 24 hours * Program hours vary, call for information
Niagara Health - Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Treatment Program
St Catharines Site, 1200 Fourth Ave St Catharines, ONL2S 0A9
Serves anyone reporting to an emergency department in the Niagara Region.
Provides 24 hour emergency medical care and crisis intervention to all individuals (male and female) who have been sexually assaulted or victims of domestic violence within the last 12 days. Services are provided through a specialized team sensitive to the needs of survivors. Options of care include emotional support, prophylactic treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV post exposure prophylaxis, pregnancy prevention, and the collection of forensic evidence to assist in the legal process. Victims of domestic violence have options of medical treatment, documentation of injuries, safety planning and police involvement.
For emergency treatment, go to any emergency department in the Niagara Region. The Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Program nurse will be paged.
Counselling Program: Offers short-term trauma counselling to recent victims (within 2 years of the assault/abuse) of sexual violence or intimate partner violence to individuals 16 years of age and older. A social worker is available to answer questions and/or determine eligibility for counselling services every Wednesday morning between 9 am-12 noon. Call for information.
Office: 905-378-4647 ext 45300
Emergency Medical Service Mon-Sun 24 hours * Counselling Intake Wed 9 am-12 noon
Niagara Regional Native Centre - Health Outreach Worker
382 Airport Rd Niagara-On-The-Lake, ONL0S 1J0
Addresses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of individuals. Provides individual support and advocacy services to those who are experiencing barriers to accessing the health care system. Offers active living programs (ie walking program) and workshops and other awareness events around various health issues. Provides assistance with:
- status card renewal
- limited medical transportation
- non-insured health benefits program of Health Canada
- information regarding Medical Services Branch (Indian Affairs) medical coverage
Office: 905-688-6484
Fax: 905-688-4033
Mon-Thu 9 am-5 pm
Niagara Sexual Assault Centre
Landmark Building, 43 Church StSuite 503 St Catharines, ONL2R 7E1
Crisis intervention and culturally sensitive counselling, supports and referrals
- a 24 hour telephone crisis line
- individual counselling and support groups
- legal support, advocacy, information, and referrals
- court support, accompaniment and advocacy program
- information on alternatives to legal justice system
- public education and training to end gender based violence in our community
- all services confidential
- Trans/ gender diverse positive environment
Provides support, individual and group counselling to women, men, victims/survivors of human trafficking and others who have experienced rape, sexual assault, incest and childhood sexual abuse * 24 hour crisis support line - offering support/information for recent or past rape, sexual assault and abuse
Individual/group counselling and theme-based workshops for survivors * Support also available for family and friends * Outreach counselling available at several locations throughout Niagara region including Niagara Falls, Fort Erie, Port Colborne, and Welland.
Hospital Response Workers provide accompaniment, emotional support and advocacy for victims attending the St Catharines hospital for medical care and/or Sexual Assault Evidence Kit collection (up to 12 days post assault) * Information, accompaniment and referrals to other agencies also available during police investigation and court proceedings
Volunteer Program: Contact office for more information
Public speakers available for community groups and high schools on various topics including: Sexual assault awareness and prevention * Date rape * Sexual harassment * Childhood sexual abuse prevention * Self defense * Sex Trafficking Awareness Programs
Ongoing education program: * Child Assault Prevention (CAP) Program for grades 1-6 * Youth Issues Prevention Program for grades 7-8 * Film, handouts and interactive discussions
Workshops available for professionals who come into contact with survivors of sexual assault and/or their families
Member agency of Support Services Network for Male Survivors in Ontario (west region)
carsa@sexualassaultniagara.orgOffice: 905-682-7258
Crisis: 905-682-4584
Crisis: 905-329-4011
Fax: 905-682-2114
Administration Mon-Fri 9 am-4:30 pm * Crisis Support Line and Sex Trafficking Crisis Line Mon-Sun 24 hours
Niagara Walk-In Clinic
7481 Oakwood Dr Niagara Falls, ONL2E 6S5
Offer medical care and services including treatment of common colds, minor injuries, prescriptions, medical assessment, driver's physicals, WSIB services, immunization, medical travel advice, specialist referral, blood pressure testing and flu shots .
Office: 289-477-6011
Fax: 289-477-6022
Mon-Fri 9 am-4 pm, Sat-Sun 9 am-2 pm
Niagara-on-the-Lake Community Palliative Care Service
1882 Niagara Stone Rd Niagara-On-The-Lake, ONL0S 1J0
Focuses on caring support and quality of life for seriously ill people residing in the town of Niagara-on-the-Lake and their families/caregivers. Offers services at home and at the three long term care facilities through trained visiting volunteers and operates bereavement support walking group.
- provides compassionate, emotional support, companionship and caregiver relief
- lends a wide variety of equipment which includes wheelchairs, walkers, recliner/lift chairs
- has an extensive lending library of books, CDs and DVDs
- provides phone and one on one bereavement support as well as bereavement programs
Office: 905-468-4433
Fax: 905-468-7149
Mon-Sun 24 hours
One Vascular Imaging - Niagara - One Vascular Imaging - Niagara
4256 Portage RdSuite 101 Niagara Falls, ONL2E 6A4
Diagnostic Imaging Clinic
- Vascular consultations
- Carotid duplex examinations
- Arterial evaluations
- Venous doppler evaluations
- Venous reflux examinations
- Echocardiography
Office: 905-356-3500
Fax: 905-356-3502
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm
Ontario. Ministry of Health - Health Care Connect
Toronto, ON
Referral service to link Ontario residents without a regular family health care provider with doctors and nurse practitioners who are accepting new patients
Residents register with the program and are asked questions about their health needs. Once registered, a Care Connector will work with the patient to help find a health care provider. Priority is given to individuals with greater health needs as decided based on an established clinical process. Note that this service does not guarantee a doctor.
Office: 8-1-1
TTY: 1-866-797-0007
Mon-Sun 24 hours
Ontario. Ministry of Health - Health811
Toronto, ON
A free, confidential service available 24/7 to help people find health services or information or get health advice from a registered nurse.
Office: 8-1-1
Crisis: Call 911 in emergencies
TTY: 1-866-797-0007
Mon-Sun 24 hours
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Court Services - Victim / Witness Assistance Program, St Catharines
Robert S K Welch Courthouse, 59 Church St St Catharines, ONL2R 7N8
Information and assistance to support participation in and understanding of the criminal court process. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is over. Services include:
- information about victims' rights, the criminal justice process and their specific case (e.g., court dates)
- needs assessment and referrals to community agencies
- crisis intervention, emotional support, victim advocacy
- facilitates victim's input and liaises with Crown Attorneys, police, regarding bail, safety, resolution of charges, release conditions, publication bans, testimonial aids, trial preparation and court orientation
- information and support on Victim Impact Statements, Statement on Restitution
- facilitates access to court orders, such as bail conditions, probation orders, peace bonds
- debriefing and follow-up support
Vulnerable Victims and Family Fund (VVFF) -- Helps support victims of violent crime, families of homicide victims and families of motor vehicle fatalities participate more fully in the criminal court process by providing financial assistance and court-based supports for:
- travel to attend key court dates
- language interpretation services
- special accommodations for victims with disabilities, such as real-time captioning
- basic necessities for victims of human trafficking or gun and gang violence while attending for court
Office: 905-685-2671
Fax: 905-685-2673
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Court Services - Victim / Witness Assistance Program, Welland
Welland Courthouse, 102 East Main St Welland, ONL3B 3W6
Information and assistance to support participation in and understanding of the criminal court process. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is over. Services include:
- information about victims' rights, the criminal justice process and their specific case (e.g., court dates)
- needs assessment and referrals to community agencies
- crisis intervention, emotional support, victim advocacy
- facilitates victim's input and liaises with Crown Attorneys, police, regarding bail, safety, resolution of charges, release conditions, publication bans, testimonial aids, trial preparation and court orientation
- information and support on Victim Impact Statements, Statement on Restitution
- facilitates access to court orders, such as bail conditions, probation orders, peace bonds
- debriefing and follow-up support
Vulnerable Victims and Family Fund (VVFF) -- Helps support victims of violent crime, families of homicide victims and families of motor vehicle fatalities participate more fully in the criminal court process by providing financial assistance and court-based supports for:
- travel to attend key court dates
- language interpretation services
- special accommodations for victims with disabilities, such as real-time captioning
- basic necessities for victims of human trafficking or gun and gang violence while attending for court
Office: 905-735-4326
Office: 905-685-2671
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Primary Care Niagara
660 Garrison RdUnit 11 Fort Erie, ONL2A 6E2
Walk-in family practice and urgent care clinic. Medical staff assess and treat minor illnesses and injuries.
Fast Web Check-in allows patients to check in on a computer, tablet, or smart phone.
Office: 905-371-1881
Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm
Real Health Family Medicine and Walk in Clinic
Seaway Mall, 800 Niagara St Welland, ONL3C 5Z4
A family medicine and walk in clinic providing assessment and treatment of minor illnesses and injuries.
Office: 905-732-4451
Fax: 905-984-8384
Mon-Wed, Fri 9 am-5 pm * Thu 9 am-8 pm
St Catharines (City of) - Find a Family Doctor
City Hall, 50 Church St St Catharines, ONL2R 7C2
The City maintains listings of family physicians accepting new patients on their website:
Office: 905-688-5600
TTY: 905-688-4889
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
West Niagara Palliative Care Services - Rose Cottage Visiting Volunteers
4289 Hixon St Beamsville, ONL0R 1B0
A registered charity providing home hospice support services to those facing life-limiting and progressive conditions in the West Niagara region. Volunteers build relationships with their clients and caregivers, providing the support that they crave. All volunteers complete the Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HPCO) education program and a vulnerable sector police check.
All programs are offered free of charge and include: Visiting Volunteer Program, Caregiver Program, Tele-visit Program, A Hand Along the Way Bereavement Program, Care Package Delivery Program, and Legacy Program.
info.rcvv@gmail.comOffice: 289-566-9588
Mon-Fri 9 am-4 pm