Older Adult Infolink
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Health & Wellness

Physican Referrals and Medical Information Services

Niagara (Region of). Public Health - Niagara Physician Recruitment and Retention

1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way
Thorold, ON
L2V 4T7

Established to promote family practice opportunities and to attract and retain physicians in Niagara. The program works in collaboration with clinics and all 12 municipalities.

Click here to view a listing of family physicians accepting new patients.


Online service

Ontario. Ministry of Health - Health Care Connect

Toronto, ON

Referral service to link Ontario residents without a regular family health care provider with doctors and nurse practitioners who are accepting new patients

Residents register with the program and are asked questions about their health needs. Once registered, a Care Connector will work with the patient to help find a health care provider. Priority is given to individuals with greater health needs as decided based on an established clinical process. Note that this service does not guarantee a doctor.


Office: 8-1-1

TTY: 1-866-797-0007

Mon-Sun 24 hours

Ontario. Ministry of Health - Health811

Toronto, ON

A free, confidential service available 24/7 to help people find health services or information or get health advice from a registered nurse.


Office: 8-1-1

Crisis: Call 911 in emergencies

TTY: 1-866-797-0007

Mon-Sun 24 hours

St Catharines (City of) - Find a Family Doctor

City Hall, 50 Church St
St Catharines, ON
L2R 7C2

The City maintains listings of family physicians accepting new patients on their website: www.stcatharines.ca/en/livein/FindAFamilyDoctor.asp.


Office: 905-688-5600

TTY: 905-688-4889

Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm