Health & Wellness (Display All)
- Abuse/Violence Related Support
- Addictions Support
- Bereavement Support
- Condition Specific Care and Health/Disability Support Groups
- Dementia/Alzheimer Supports and Services
- Falls Prevention Programs/Education
- Hospitals and Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology
- Home Health Care, Palliative Care, Respite Care and Homemaker Assistance
- Mental Health Services and Adult Protective Services
- Physiotherapy Programs and Rehabilitation
- Physician Referrals and Medical Information Services
- Podiatry/Foot Care
- Walk-In Medical Clinics
- Warmlines and Crisis Lines
- Wellness Programs
Local Community Leisure Guides in Niagara
Health & Wellness
Wellness Programs
Centre de santé communautaire Hamilton / Niagara, Centre de santé communautaire Niagara - Primary and Community Health Care Services
810 East Main St Welland, ONL3B 3Y4
Clients have access to various health care professionals and services including family physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, laboratory services, registered dietitians, foot care, diabetes education and management, occupational therapists, dentist, dental hygiene, and vaccinations.
Senior's Services Program:
- Blood pressure clinics
- Home visits from a health care professional
- Case management services for French-speaking seniors or frail adults
- Visiting nurse services may be available for eligible clients
- Health promotion workshops
- Social activities
- English and French physical activity sessions and other community events
- Falls prevention programs
- "Soyons actifs & Gardez L'équilibre" exercise program
- Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program
- Volunteer opportunities
Health promotion programs:
- Oral health workshops and dental hygiene services through a partnership with the Niagara Region for eligible individuals
- Youth hub
cschn@cschn.caOffice: 905-734-1141 ext 2221
Crisis : 1-877-336-2433 (1-877-FEMAIDE)
Toll Free: 1-866-885-5947
Fax: 905-734-1678
Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm
Heart Niagara
4635B Queen St Niagara Falls, ONL2E 2L7
Provides a number of programs to the community:
CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION (CPR), AED AND FIRST AID TRAINING: Contracts to provide CPR and First Aid Training services to organizations.
HEALTHY HEART SCHOOLS' PROGRAM: Primary prevention program provides grade nine students with information about their individual heart health profiles to guide them toward making responsible decisions. Within a five day teaching block, the program provides measurements of fitness, height, weight, blood pressure, total cholesterol and CPR training. Provides the opportunity to present information on reducing the risk factors of heart disease to every person in the Niagara Region at least once in their lives.
DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM: Provides stress and echos, holter monitoring, loops and blood pressure monitors by physician referral only.
SMOKING CESSATION PROGRAM: Offers an on-site smoking cessation program.
COOKING FOR A HEALTHIER YOU: Provides cooking classes at a location determined by the group/organization/corporation. The cost will cover tastings of food prepared and hand outs.
HeartCORE: Furnished with MedX circuit training equipment. Weekly circuit style workouts are completed in less than 15 minutes and are performed with slow, controlled movements. An energy coach provides one-on-one attention, ensuring proper technique and safe, effective progression of the exercises.The program is suitable for most people as it offers individualized instruction, resistance loads that are geared toward age and initial fitness level, plus the weekly sessions encourage adequate recovery time. Weekly exercise sessions will increase muscle strength, flexibility, bone health and much more. Additional health benefits include better insulin sensitivity and lower cholesterol.
Office: 905-358-5552
Mon-Thu 9 am-4:30 pm * Fri 9 am-1 pm
Niagara (Region of). Community Services Department - Seniors Services - Seniors Community Programs: South Niagara Health and Wellness Centre
234 Bunting Rd St Catharines, ONL2M 3Y1
A program that helps older adults live active, healthy and independent lives. The South Niagara Health and Wellness Centre is a partnership of community and health care providers offering rehabilitation, wellness education and community resource connections to help older adults become healthier, safer and stronger.
The service provides opportunities for older adults to:
- Access professional services such as Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Language Pathology
- Build strength, balance and confidence through exercise
- Socialize with others who are motivated to stay healthy, safe and strong
- Learn about health and wellness
- Learn about resources available to support independence and health
- Interact with students through classroom experiences
The centre is operated through a partnership of community and health care providers:
- Niagara Region
- Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre
- Niagara College
- March of Dimes Canada
- Home and Community Care Support Services Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant
Office: 905-984-2621
Toll Free: 1-877-212-3922
Office Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Client Programming 9 am-12 noon, 1 pm-4 pm
Niagara (Region of). Public Health - Wainfleet Community Response Unit and Community Paramedic Program
Wainfleet, ON
Niagara EMS provides a Community Response Unit (CRU) in the Township of Wainfleet. The CRU has two purposes:
- To respond to all emergency medical 9-1-1 calls as a first response unit while an ambulance is on the way
- To provide an additional health resource to the Township of Wainfleet. This is called the Community Paramedic Program.
Office: 905-984-5050
Community Paramedics Mon-Sun 8 am-8 pm
Niagara Regional Native Centre - Health Outreach Worker
382 Airport Rd Niagara-On-The-Lake, ONL0S 1J0
Addresses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of individuals. Provides individual support and advocacy services to those who are experiencing barriers to accessing the health care system. Offers active living programs (ie walking program) and workshops and other awareness events around various health issues. Provides assistance with:
- status card renewal
- limited medical transportation
- non-insured health benefits program of Health Canada
- information regarding Medical Services Branch (Indian Affairs) medical coverage
Office: 905-688-6484
Fax: 905-688-4033
Mon-Thu 9 am-5 pm